Monday, August 13, 2007

The future of archives

Matthew Kirschenbaum (whose new book sounds pretty interesting) has an excellent article in the Chronicle Review about what the digital composition of texts will means to literary studies in the future. One important point that Krischenbaum makes is that literary scholars need to understand the issues of digital preservation in order to play a role in the creation of archives.

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Blogger Brian said...

Good article. I think the key point is that while past literary archives have been made accessible primarily after the fact through the collation of the materials by a group of librarians and archivists, the future literary archives will depend very much upon the author's own choices qua her/his use of electronic media. The other important player(s) are those who develop the software platforms we use to produce these electronic texts, whether a wiki, blog, or "old fashioned" Word document.

10:42 AM  

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